Do not take this with food; warn Pharmacists.

  • on September 5, 2022

Some foods can cause side effects to prescription medication. Unfortunately, many people don’t know about these potential dangers. It’s an issue that isn’t on many people’s radar screens. It’s not even on the radar of many doctors,” Bethanne Brown, professor at the J.L. Winkle College of Pharmacy, University of Cincinnati. This information is found in the prescription packet you receive from the pharmacy. However, it may get lost amongst all the written information. Experts say five drugs shouldn’t be taken with certain foods. Keep reading to learn more.

Grapefruit Juice and Certain Medications

Grapefruit juice should never be consumed with statin drugs, antihistamines, or drugs to treat high blood pressure. “The juice allows more drugs to enter the blood,” Shiew Mei Huang (PhD) of FDA. You may experience more side effects if too much drug is in your blood.

The role of a clinical pharmacist in Family Medicine

Blood Thinners & Leafy Greens

Vitamin K can cause blood thinners to become more sensitive to leafy greens like spinach. Instead of avoiding these vegetables, doctors recommend consistency to ensure that the body has steady levels of vitamin K. Fran Burke MS, RD, Fran Burke MS, RD. For example, if you have one serving of broccoli, you should aim to eat one serving each of high-vitamin K foods the next day. A consistent vitamin K intake can be maintained by eating one serving daily, multiple days per week.

Bananas, ACE Inhibitors

ACE inhibitors are commonly prescribed to treat high blood pressure and heart failure. Bananas, oranges, salt, and leafy green veggies should not be ingested with ACE inhibitors. Consumer Reports warns that these foods are high in potassium. This helps to send electrical signals to other cells. Consuming these foods with the listed medications could cause an increase in potassium levels, which could lead to irregular heartbeats or heart palpitations. This could prove fatal.

Red Wine and Antidepressants

“One type of antidepressant called MAO inhibitors can be dangerous when combined with foods or drinks containing tyramine,” Johns Hopkins Medicine. These include beer, red wine, chocolate, processed meats like avocados, and certain cheeses.

Alcohol and Any Medication

Experts warn that alcohol should not be mixed with prescription medications. Experts warn that alcohol should never be mixed with prescription medications such as antidepressants, antianxiety meds like Xanax, cold and flu or beta-blockers. You should not drink alcohol if it is indicated on the label. If you do, your head could end up in the toilet. , registered dietician Keri Glassman. Alcohol can also increase side effects, such as upset stomachs and drowsiness. Low blood sugar episodes may occur in diabetics.

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